December 29th, 2006. I hope everyone had an excellent holiday. Our first Christmas with Beau was amazing.
He's doing so well at home. He's starting to coordinate his hands more now. He's really got the hang of wringing his fingers, playing with his hands, and bringing his hands to his mouth to chew or suck on. Just today he grabbed his toy panda and held it in place with one hand while pulling its ears and touching its face with the other. I only wish I was quicker with the video camera! He was so darn cute!!! Now he needs to get more interested in his feet. He's great at kicking. He loves to lay in his crib and stare at his mobile while peddling and kicking his feet. He gets so excited he shakes the crib, which in turn moves the mobile... I wonder if that's what he's going for the whole time. My goal is to getting better with the video camera so I can upload a video of him kicking with excitement. It's such a funny site!
Now I'm sure you're all wondering what is all over his face in the first picture. It's green beans- yes, my son is a HUGE green bean fan! So much so that he got it all over his face and in his hair! The second one was taken just after Christmas. He's passed out after a hard afternoon of playing with his new toys.
Take care everyone!